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Legend of Shanghai beach tycoon

发表于 2011-12-9 13:20:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
红顶商人盛宣怀 :上海滩大亨的传奇故事



































初看青果巷,不过一条五六百米的巷子,然而这可是千里运河边最出人物的巷子,也可能是全国最 “富产”人才的巷子。千百年来,文臣武将不知出了多少。近一百年来,名人就出了好几十位,革M家、实业家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、藏书家、银行家、书法家、语言文字学家,几乎遍及各个领域,形成一道极具华彩的人文景观。


但是随着岁月的演进,如今这个水果市场不知不觉又变成一个菜市场了,每天一大早,沿河两岸熙熙攘攘。天上若飘着小雨,河边的屋檐下就会出现两道“彩龙”——由各色雨伞、雨衣和雨棚连接起来的买卖摊子,红蓝青绿,沿河排开,自成一景。河中仍有小船 “欸乃”而过,河边那些竹篮、竹筐里的青萝卜、紫菱角、小白菜,都是湿漉漉、水灵灵的,鲜嫩可爱。












杨宗濂的父亲杨延俊,字菊仙,与李鸿章都是道光丁未年(1847年)的进士,是为同年。当初在考举人的时候(1844年乡试)他们就是同年;考进士的时候还是同一个号舍(同一个考场),在关键时刻杨菊仙还帮了李鸿章大忙——李鸿章在首次“制艺” (第一场考试)结束后突发疾病,全靠同号舍的杨菊仙为之料理汤药,直到三场考试结束,才“扶掖出闱,遂同捷南宫”——两人同时金榜题名(考中进士),所以在同年中,他们两人交情最笃,这是人之常情。



关于盛康与李鸿章的交往,盛宣怀的后代在盛的《行述》中写道:“文忠夙与大父雅故”。至于 “雅故”的具体内容则未展开。然而民间则把他们的关系传奇化了——说是李鸿章参加乡试时,盛康是主考官,当李鸿章大汗淋漓,交不出卷时,盛康及时地向他抛出“绣球”,于是李鸿章释然,顺利过关,日后发达之时,便委盛康之子盛宣怀以重任……其实这全是以讹传讹。且不说无论是盛隆还是盛康,都没有当过主考官,而且,盛康进士及第那一年也正是李鸿章中举的那一年(1844年)。盛康自己尚在考进士,如何能成为地方主考官?另外,盛宣怀入幕李鸿章是由杨宗濂推荐的,并不是盛康主动凑上去的,其时盛康早已因丁忧(父亲去世)而乡居数年。况且,盛宣怀初到李鸿章麾下时,正是李鸿章率军北上剿捻的紧张阶段,盛宣怀在军中当一个“文案”(秘书),也是要拿着命上的,根本不是什么享福的事,相反,却是戎马倥偬、席不暇暖、日驰百里、苦头吃尽的差事!




关于具体的税收方针,李鸿章曾对盛康说:“财赋只可认真于额内,不当于额外求之”。意思是只能在规定的税收额度内严格执行,而不可于规定的额度之外乱收,一旦乱了根据地等于乱了全局。而对于那些占了官位而不做事或做不来事的人,应当严惩不怠。盛宣怀记下了李鸿章当时对其父的提醒:“鄂事若不严惩府州县之泄沓,即桑孔复生,亦无实济。”于是主张“将不能战者杀之,不足惜!汰之惟恐不速!官不能筹饷者劾之,不足惜!罢之惟恐不速!”盛宣怀继续写道:于是“府君之理财用人褒益至当,宽猛交济,皆承文忠教也。”可见他们之间的默契。盛康后来由李鸿章以 “才具优长”推荐朝廷,得以步步高升。1867年盛康的父亲盛隆去世,他去官居家十余年,京外故旧敦促其再出,后来去海宁做官,没几年就回家养老了。这个决定看来是对头的,因为那时他的儿子盛宣怀已经入了李鸿章的幕府,成了李鸿章大办洋务的重要帮手,子承父志,未竟之事可由儿子去完成了。













盛宣怀不情愿当这个“牛后”,而李鸿章偏偏要他当这个重要的“牛后”。于是有了这样的分工:唐廷枢、徐润主管揽载、招股等轮运各务,代表商方;朱其昂、朱其诏兄弟主管漕运事宜,代表官方;而盛宣怀地位非常微妙,要兼管漕运和揽载二事,等于兼了 “官”、“商”两个方面的角色,说具体也具体,说架空也架空,实际上是个非常重要但是有点尴尬的位置。李鸿章老谋深算,目的是要通过他察看和掌握轮船招商局的一切。盛宣怀毕竟不是小肚鸡肠之人,尽管不情愿,还是走马上任了,后来果真开创了响当当的局面。






















此时清廷面对着两亿白银的战争赔款,一筹莫展。光绪皇帝问计于他,如何才能摆脱困境,他直言不讳地和盘托出:仿照泰西各国的样子,办商业银行,“铸银币、开银行两端,实为商务之权舆,亟宜首先创办。不必畏难避嫌,一年即可建成,一年即可收效…… 如任用得人,一呼可集。”又具体设计了公私两方如何集资的总体方案。针对当时时髦的话题,关于变法问题,他劝说皇上头脑要冷静,现在空谈变法的人太多了,然而说起来便当做起来难,立个新法容易,而要收到实效并非那么容易。提醒他不要轻言变法,只管真抓实干好了。






















然而新的问题又出现了——广济之煤不能应大冶炼铁之需,而新找到的荆门、当阳之煤又距大冶铁矿太远,加上运输成本核算下来,所需资金大大超出原来的预算,也就是说,炼铁的成本太高了,反而不见得比进口铁合算。于是盛宣怀开始考虑舍鄂他图,另找地方再干。然而老上司李鸿章不允许,怕传出去影响不好,松懈了斗志和士气。他对盛说,如果湖北煤铁“规画难成,不得已而改图北来,议其后者将谓不克取效于南,亦必不能取效于北”,仍旧是死命令,只能成功,不能失败,也不许转移阵地,必须在湖北把煤铁办成。盛宣怀心中苦也,退步不成,然而前进又谈何容易?! 延缓到1884年,李鸿章只好下令裁撤。然而那时的“王法”很厉害,事情办不成,官方的投资则要追回的,追不回的部分就要算到你盛宣怀头上,算来算去,盛宣怀还要“吃倒账”,赔款一点六余万串钱!这下盛宣怀惨了,想不到这煤铁如此烫手!

事情还没有就此算完,人若是倒了霉,真的是喝凉水也噎人。1884年又碰上世界性的经济危机,中国的制钱比光绪初年时,也就是比刚开始找矿的时候,每两要少换四百余钱,币值往下跌了不少,原来官款所余十四点三万串生息官本,又吃倒账,被“倒” 去十余万。这笔账,亦“倒”在盛宣怀个人头上。本已失,利尽赔,又赔上加赔,共要赔出十五万两银,他不得不喊出“宣怀以此败家”了。


第二次挫折是办金州矿务。1880年代是清廷大力举办矿业的年代,这期间清廷又要盛宣怀负责山东登州铅矿和辽宁金州铁矿的开采工程。他被任命为金州矿务局督办,他的一个得力助手郑观应任总办,他还亲自草拟了《试办山东滨海各铅矿章程》。盛宣怀于 1882年率矿师亲赴山东登州探矿,随后又到辽宁金州勘查煤矿铁矿。可是最终也不顺利,还得了个“科以降级调用处分”。盛宣怀当然不服,据理力争,最后还是曾国荃为他说了几句良心话。然而清廷为了顾全面子,还是将其“宽免降调处分,改为降二级留任。”接下来的事情,凡是关系到煤铁,仍是不顺。






















盛宣怀毕竟是清廷的忠臣,他家三代受恩于清廷,在此危难时刻,必然以“执政党”的利益为重。于是,他心急火燎地飞驰函电,请求中央赶紧抓住时机,加紧围剿,勿使事态滋蔓。他向两江总督刘坤一通报情况:“拳匪二十九、初一将涿州至卢沟桥丰台铁路车站机厂全行焚毁……”又向朝廷建议:“必须临以纪律严明之大军,方易解散了结。否则养痈成患,滋蔓难图。地方受害,何止铁路!”他又向荣禄等大帅建议: “凡聚众持械,即准格杀,以免统将误会,袖手失机”;津城市教堂三处被毁,聚众不散,病在不肯杀人!”

他甚至直接电奏皇上:“今匪患已著,若再姑容,恐各省会匪愈炽,内外G结,或有举动,更恐各国推广保护使馆之议,派兵分护商埠、教堂、铁路,何堪设想!……似宜趁各省土匪尚未联合,外人尚未启齿,即就现在有力,克期肃清畿辅,消外衅而遏效尤。” 他还劝说总理各国事务衙门,应当尽快主动将“剿拳”、“护洋”的方针照会各国事务衙门,要让他们知道,朝廷已经在派兵剿匪了,并无姑息,以堵洋人的嘴。一旦外衅内乱相因而至,大清王朝危若累卵,后果将不堪设想!也就是说,盛宣怀在五月初九那天的电奏中,就已经预见到了八国联军登陆入京的一幕。













事关重大,事不宜迟,北方已乱,现在必须保住江南的稳定。盛宣怀与李鸿章、张之洞、刘坤一、袁世凯等东南一带的督抚大员取得了一致意见,成了串联“东南互保”的中心人物,在他的洋幕僚福开森的帮助下,还草拟了与上海各国领事的“互保”条款八条。 6月24日(即慈禧下令开战的第三天),张、刘二人接到了约款八条的电文,表示同意,并称赞他思虑周密。于是,才有两江总督刘坤一,命令上海道台余联沅,在此八条的基础上,紧急与在上海的各国领事会商,从速订约。


经过商谈,当即通过了《东南保护条约》(即《中外互保章程》)九条,主要内容是:上海租界归各国共同保护,长江及苏杭等内地归各督抚保护,两不相扰;长江及苏杭各地商民教士产业均归南洋大臣刘坤一、两湖督宪张之洞允认切实加以保护,严拿匪徒…… 根据这一条约,又制定了《中西官议保护上海城厢内外章程》十条,主要内容是:上海租界由各国巡防保护;上海道添募巡捕,严拿流氓土棍;请各国银行照常支持钱庄业拆转输,以免钱庄倒闭,市面破坏;钞票照常使用,中外双方加以支持等等。






果然,北京的主战派“战”了没多久就打不下去了,义和团“刀枪不入”的神话在八国联军的炮火下一败涂地。7月14日天津失守,一个月后北京城被攻破,慈禧太后没了咒念,方寸大乱,急忙挟天子赶紧逃命,同时一道道紧急命令发往广东,令李鸿章立马 “入都议和”。
















五个月后(即1889年5月5日)清廷终于发布了第一个关于兴办铁路的正式文件,内称铁路 “为自强要策,必应通筹天下全局……但冀有益于国,无损于民,定一至当不易之策,即可毅然兴办”。这个文件的发布,距离李鸿章上的《筹议海防折》已经十五个年头“磨”过去了,尽管如此,至此毕竟宣告了以李鸿章为首的洋务派的胜利,洋务派们可以理直气壮地,不必偷偷摸摸地建铁路了,于是就有了关东铁路的兴建,与芦汉铁路的筹建。



此时的清廷为图振兴正思贤若渴,见重臣张之洞、王文韶联名具保,两个月后就有了下文。 1896年9月,盛宣怀奉命入京,至总理衙门面呈《拟办铁路说贴》,在这个《说贴》里,他把自己关于举办全国铁路的初步设想全部托出,如特设铁路总公司,先造芦汉铁路,然后建苏沪、粤汉等路,不再另设公司;由总公司招集商股四十万股,每股银百两,拟先收七百万两作为根基,并暂入官股三百万两,以为天下倡率;由总公司先借官款一千万两,续借洋款两千万两,五年之后,分作二十五年归还;铁路总公司悉照公司章程办理,遴选各省公正殷实声望素著之体面绅商十二人为总董……具按西方国家模式,消除官场习气等等。总理衙门认为他的说法确有见地,即奏请准设铁路总公司,并由盛宣怀担任督办。

















发表于 2011-12-9 15:28:18 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2022-1-27 22:50:14 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-2 10:53:10 | 显示全部楼层
Sheng Xuanhuai, a Hongding businessman: The Legend of Shanghai beach tycoon

As a member of the Westernization Movement, Sheng Xuanhuai was also an official, business, Chinese and foreign in his life. He created more than ten "firsts" in the history of China's westernization (i.e. the first bank, the first household appliance newspaper company, the first iron and steel complex...), which greatly affected the development of China's modern industry and commerce, education and culture, and left a lot of deep marks on Shanghai.

(1) Extraordinary person:

On November 4, 1844, Sheng Xuanhuai was born in Wujin County, the seat of Changzhou government in Jiangsu Province. In his lifetime, he was always in the midst of great changes that have never happened in China. He was firmly committed to setting up industry, education and charity. Li Hongzhang's secretary of the shogunate quickly grew into a cadre of the Westernization Movement.

(2) Entrance and exit:

In July 1864, Nanjing, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was conquered by the Hunan army. Two years later, Sheng Xuanhuai returned to Changzhou to take part in the boy test in Wujin County and passed the scholar test. For more than ten years, he was not only the eldest son of his family, but also like his father's staff. He really became an aide after joining Li Hongzhang's shogunate. Tianjin has become the birthplace of his "life and achievements". Li Hongzhang said that he "will be able to help the times and serve the National Congress".

(3) Investment promotion situation:

In 1872, Sheng Xuanhuai drew up China's first commercial charter for self operated ship shipping, and the proposed method of raising funds was to raise funds. In 1877, China Merchants Group merged Qichang foreign bank and took all the property of Qichang foreign bank into the ownership of China Merchants Group. "The latter is discussed from beginning to end", and impeachment of China Merchants Group rose one after another, So Empress Dowager Cixi ordered "strict investigation" again and again.

(4) Mining twists and turns:

In January 1875, Sheng Xuanhuai handled Hubei mining. He consulted the chronicles of Daye county and learned that copper and iron are produced in Tieshan and baipheasant mountain in the north of Daye county. In order to explore the transportation channel and select the site for the iron plant, Sheng Xuanhuai led Guo shidun and others around. However, just as Sheng Xuanhuai was complacent and ready to take advantage of the trend, Hubei mining industry went from bad to worse, while the pressure from the official was increasing. Sheng Xuanhuai's mining activities are full of twists and turns.

(5) Strive for rights:

With the unremitting efforts of Sheng Xuanhuai and others, China's first wired telegraph trunk line, the Tianjin Shanghai telegraph line, with a total length of 2724 Li, was completed. On August 1, 1885, Sheng Xuanhuai, 42, became the supervisor of China Merchants Group. At the same time, he presided over the construction of dozens of telegraph lines from Hainan in the south, Heilongjiang in the north and Xinjiang in the West. In July 1886, Sheng Xuanhuai was awarded the post of actual vacancy for the first time: Shandong Denglai Qingbing road and East customs supervision.

(6) Re map the great cause:

Zhang Zhidong was transferred from the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to the governor of Huguang. When passing through Shanghai, he repeatedly urged Sheng Xuanhuai to come to discuss how to open mines and make iron in Hubei. Zhang Zhidong advocated that it should be run by the government. It was not until 1892 that he saw that the cost of the iron factory was too high that he wanted to change it to a commercial office, and asked Sheng Xuanhuai to "receive it remotely in Tianjin". When the Sino Japanese war broke out, Sheng Xuanhuai was busy to ensure logistics, transportation and communication. At the end of the war, the Treasury of the Qing Dynasty became more empty. Sheng Xuanhuai resolutely took over the Hanyang Iron plant with serious losses. After several years of efforts, he merged the iron plant with Daye Iron Mine and Pingxiang coal mine to form Hanyeping coal iron plant and Mine Co., Ltd., which was the largest iron and steel complex in Asia at that time.

(7) Go hand in hand:

The proposal to build Luhan railway was approved by the imperial court in 1889, but it failed for a long time because of the lack of funds and engineering and technical personnel. On September 2, 1896, Zhang Zhidong recommended Sheng Xuanhuai to invite investment. Emperor Guangxu immediately summoned Sheng Xuanhuai and ordered him to supervise the affairs of the railway corporation. And grant special privileges to play music.

(8) Beiyang Nanyang:

The school running charter drafted by Sheng Xuanhuai was approved by the governor of Zhili, Wang Wenshao, who played in the imperial court. In 1895, China's first university, Tianjin Chinese and western school, that is, Beiyang University, was officially founded. The school is divided into undergraduate and preparatory courses. The disciplines include engineering, electricity, machinery, law and regulation and mining. Sheng Xuanhuai was the first supervisor, and he managed to raise funds by himself. The next year, he played directly, founded Nanyang public school in Shanghai, and still raised funds from the Shipping Investment Promotion Bureau and the telegraph Bureau.

(9) Charity relief:

In his lifetime, Sheng Xuanhuai organized and participated in dozens of national disaster relief activities. From 1877 to 1880, five provinces in North China suffered from severe droughts, which was called "Ding Wuqi shortage" in history. Sheng Xuanhuai went deep into Zhili Hejian government to carry out disaster relief work. First, he mobilized relatives and friends to donate food and money, and then raised 10000 liang of silver from the south to relieve "extremely poor households". He made a positive contribution to the historic progress of replacing official relief with relief. His career in Westernization industry was accompanied by charity activities. Everywhere he went, he paid great attention to the construction of Shantang. The industrial institutions under his control were often used as the general headquarters of disaster relief.

(10) Before and after 1911:

In 1908, Sheng Xuanhuai was appointed as the right chamberlain of the Ministry of Posts and communications, but the prime minister's Yamen did not let him interfere with the affairs of the Ministry of Posts and communications and asked him to return to Shanghai as a minister of Commerce. The only industry he controls is Hanyeping company. In order to raise money, he tried his best and had to borrow from Japan. In August of that year, he was allowed to go to Japan to "visit factories and mines while seeking medical treatment". Guangxu and Cixi died one after another. Regent Wang zaifeng dismissed Yuan Shikai, and Sheng Xuanhuai recaptured the China Merchants Group. He was ordered to serve as the right waiter of the Ministry of postal communication. He was further reused and was awarded the Minister of postal communication.
 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-2 10:55:20 | 显示全部楼层
1、 Longcheng hope

The most legendary alley along the canal

The Sheng surname in Changzhou is a surname in the Jianghuai area.

It is said that their distant ancestor was Ying Shuwu, the son of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. When King Mu came, Ying became prosperous, so their descendants began to take the surname Sheng. Later, the Sheng clan was divided into two groups: the southern clan moved from the ancient Liang Dynasty to Guangling, and the southern clan moved to Jinling during the southern migration of the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, an old ancestor named Sheng Rui moved to Changzhou with a family team and built houses and houses by the Longxi River in the northwest of the city. From then on, he took root in Changzhou. Over time, Sheng's children and grandchildren flourished and the family had deep roots. That place became shengjiawan and the headquarters of the Sheng family in Changzhou.

Changzhou is also known as Longcheng (also known as Yanling, piling, Dande, Wujin and other ancient names), and there is Longxi river passing by the city. The Longxi river is close to the canal and reaches as far as the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake and the East China Sea. It enjoys the beauty of the river and the lake and the benefits of fishing, rice and boats. Therefore, it is known as the "important auxiliary city of China and Wu and the famous capital of eight cities". However, the dragon city has not produced any dragon sons, descendants and heavenly kings since ancient times. On the contrary, there have been a lot of literary ministers, military generals and wealthy businessmen. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was full of merchants, with thousands of Ge competing for the flow of goods and treasures, and attracted the attention of the north and the south. Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong came here six times respectively. The place where the Emperor Qianlong abandoned the wharf is still called "the place where the Emperor Qianlong abandoned the wharf".

The reason why Sheng became a local surname is not only that there are many people, but also that there have been many well-known figures in the past dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a Sheng Yan master who was good at reading and served as a young Xia. He was a great general when Chen Fenyang was a soldier of the emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty. The history book said that he "killed Li Mi and Wang bodang in the battle of Jincheng, sealed the Duke of Ge with merit and granted general Wu Wei", indicating that he was a cadre of the Li Tang regime. During the Zhenyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, there was another Sheng Yunhe, who was well-educated and a great intellectual. He conferred a bachelor's degree in the Imperial Academy and later became a teacher of the emperor.

In the Song Dynasty, the Sheng family had a prosperous degree. It was a Jinshi in Duangong's second year. Because of his meritorious service in governing the western frontier, he became a deputy prime minister. During the Xuanhe period of the Song Dynasty, another famous loyal minister of the Sheng family, Sheng Junxiang, worked as a censor (discipline inspector) in the imperial court. After crossing the south, the Qin family was forced to "beg for illness and return home" because they exposed Qin Hui's usurpation of power and misappropriation of the country. After returning home, they wrote the eight characters of "filial piety, younger brother, loyalty, courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame", which were distributed to eight sons to educate future generations and not humiliate the family style.

From the yuan and Ming Dynasties to the early Qing Dynasty, the fame of the Sheng family did not show much, but several artistic talents emerged - Sheng Mao was a landscape painter, Sheng Yu was a poet, Sheng Yin was a famous doctor, Sheng Shitai was also a painter, and Sheng Shitai was a famous go player in the Qing Dynasty.

However, in the years of Jiaqing, Daoguang and Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, the family style of Sheng family was revived. First, Sheng long, Sheng Xuanhuai's grandfather, was elected as the governor of Haining, Zhejiang Province in the year of Geng Wu in Jiaqing, and then his father Sheng Kang was elected as a scholar in the year of Geng Zi (1840), and then got the highest academic degree in feudal society in Jiachen (1844). He became the salt law Dao in Wuchang, Hubei Province (the vice governor in charge of salt production, transportation and marketing), and became a local power faction.

Sheng Kang's tenure in Hubei has the most direct impact on the Sheng family. During this period, Li Hongzhang was ordered to attack the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Sheng Kang's participation in logistics and military affairs was greatly appreciated, which laid a "foreshadowing" for his son Sheng Xuanhuai to enter Li Hongzhang's shogunate and paved the most important personnel foundation for the later revitalization of the family.

The two generations of Sheng family lived outside as officials, and their salaries increased day by day. Sheng Xuanhuai's father and uncle bought land and built houses in Changzhou City and built a deep house and courtyard. When Sheng Xuanhuai's father Sheng Kang was about to return home, he bought a huge old garden in Suzhou and carefully repaired it as the location of Sheng's villa and ancestral hall. This garden is now known as one of the four gardens in Suzhou.

A few years later, Sheng Xuanhuai was better than the blue. After becoming famous, he also built a large house in his hometown and built a large house in Zhouxian lane, Changzhou. The two mansions of Sheng's family in Changzhou are only 100 meters apart, with overlapping eaves and intrigues. People look forward to them at that time.

Now, the place where the marble tablet of "Sheng Xuanhuai's former residence" is embedded in Changzhou is called Mayuan lane. The narrow lane seems narrow and humid. In fact, this is only the side door of Jiujin mansion built by Sheng Kang, the father of Sheng Xuanhuai, and the main door is opened on a road at the end of Mayuan lane. Now it has become the seat of Changzhou people's court building. The main road in front of the court is the legendary Qingguo Lane on the Guyun river.

The site of Sheng's big house is located in Qingguo lane, which can be said to occupy the best time and place.

At first glance, Qingguo alley is only a 500-600 meter alley. However, it is the most prominent alley along the Qianli canal and may also be the alley with the most "rich" talents in the country. For thousands of years, I don't know how many civil ministers and military generals have come out. In the past 100 years, there have been dozens of celebrities, including revolutionaries, industrialists, scientists, writers, artists, book collectors, bankers, calligraphers and linguists, all over almost all fields, forming a colorful cultural landscape.

Qingguo lane, called Qianguo Lane in ancient times, has an indissoluble bond with Changzhou ancient canal. The canal before the Ming Dynasty passed through the city from xishuiguan, Changzhou, and then meandered out of Wumen in the East. Therefore, not only did the canal become the main traffic line from south to north, but also the important blocks along the canal became the "prosperous shops" of market trade. I don't know when, fruit traders from south to North love to unload and set up stalls along the river. Over time, it has become a "special market" for fruits from north to south, so it has the reputation of "thousand fruit lane". In the ninth year of Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, the governor of Changzhou opened a new river outside the city, and the passing ships changed their routes from then on. The fruit market has become a foregone conclusion and continues to prosper. "Qianguo lane" has been falsely called Qingguo lane and is still in use today.

However, with the evolution of years, now the fruit market has unconsciously become a vegetable market. Early in the morning, there are bustling along the river. If there is a light rain in the sky, there will be two "colorful dragons" under the eaves of the river - a trading stall connected by various umbrellas, raincoats and rainsheds, red, blue and green, lined up along the river, forming a scene of its own. There are still small boats "ainai" passing by the river. The bamboo baskets along the river and the green radishes, purple water chestnut and cabbage in the bamboo baskets are wet, fresh and lovely.

If you go around behind the "colorful dragons" connected by umbrellas and raincloths, and look for and taste those silent pillow river people in the drizzle, you will have a different taste - an old "wind eroded" threshold, a broken lattice window, a casual cornice, a still standing but dusty fire wall... Accidentally, Will draw a string of soul stirring past events.

In the history of Qingguo lane, famous residents include Tang Jingchuan family, a famous Anti Japanese general (its former residence is zhenhetang, and its nanmu hall is still there today). The ancestor of his family is Tang Huafu, an imperial scholar in the Song Dynasty. His descendants are very good at reading and being officials. They recruit people, scholars, prefects, prefects and so on. Tang Shiying, a famous calligrapher, and Tang shining, a painter, both came from this family. Many years later, Tang Zhiyu, the seventh grandson of Tang Jingchuan, became famous again. He was a Jinshi during the reign of Kangxi. He was one of the two Shangshu who came out of Qingguo Lane from the official to the Minister of justice and the governor of Jimen. The other is Sheng Xuanhuai.

The descendants of the Tang family were loyal to the Ming Dynasty and participated in the fight against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty, so the old house was confiscated, and the brothers hid their names and walked between the grass and the mang. The confiscated houses were later sold by the government office, and some of them were purchased by the Zhuang family. The Zhuang family is also a big family in Changzhou, that is, the mother of Sheng Xuanhuai's stepwife Zhuang Dehua (the leader of the Sheng family in the later stage).

The Dong family lives opposite the Tang family. The Dong family and the Tang family are marriage relatives for generations, and they are also famous rich families in Changzhou. Sheng Xuanhuai's original wife Dong is the young lady of this family. There are also many well-known figures in the Dong family, including the famous librarian Dong Kang, who served as president of the pseudo Legislative Yuan and bought many ancient Chinese precious books lost to Japan from Japan.

At the junction of Qingguo lane and Xuedong lane is Yun's old house, a classical courtyard surrounded by carved corridors, which has long been inhabited by the descendants of the great painter Yun Nantian.

Adjacent to Sheng's old house is Liuyu hall, the former residence of Li Boyuan, a master of Shanghai style literature and a master of condemnation novels in the late Qing Dynasty. Li Jiayuan first had 64 houses along the river. Now there are two into three Bay courtyards. Lotus, longevity peach and other carvings on the girder of the front hall can be seen faintly. It is a protected building listed as a local cultural heritage.

There are many heroes from here to the whole country and the world. Some of them stayed in their former residence, and some can only understand their footprints from Changzhou City chronicles. They are famous industrialist Liu Guojun, Ge M's Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei, industrialist and calligrapher Tao Xiang, famous linguist Zhao Yuanren, famous painters Liu Haisu and Tang Yifen, famous writers Wu Zuguang and Zhou Youguang, famous lawyer and one of the seven patriotic gentlemen Shi Liang, and Zhang zanchen, director of Pingxiang coal mine of Hanyeping company

Therefore, the elders in Changzhou can't help feeling when talking about Qingguo Lane - it's a treasure land of Feng Shui!

2、 Talents at the end of the Qing Dynasty: Li Hongzhang got talents in troubled times

The descendants of the Sheng family said in the line of Sheng Xuanhuai (Xing sun): in April of Gengwu (1870), "Duke Li Wenzhong entered Shaanxi from the governor of Hubei, and Zonglian, the king of Yang Yifang (Fang), sent a letter to invite the king of the government to enter the curtain." Yang Yifang, who introduced Sheng Xuanhuai to Li Hongzhang's shogunate, is Yang Zonglian, the old man of the big Yang family in Wuxi. Yang Weiyun, who served as chief financial officer during the period of the northern warlords, is his nephew; Mr. Rong Desheng's son-in-law Yang Tongyi (Rong Shuren's husband) is his nephew and grandson; Mr. Rong Yiren's wife, Ms. Yang Jianqing, is also his descendant. The qualification of the Yang family in the officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty is no lower than that of the Sheng family.

The relationship between the Yang family and Li Hongzhang originated from Yang Zonglian's elders and had an extraordinary friendship.
 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-2 10:56:35 | 显示全部楼层
Yang Zonglian's father Yang Yanjun, named Juxian, and Li Hongzhang were both Jinshi in the year of Ding Wei of Daoguang (1847), the same year. They were in the same year when they took the exam (1844 provincial examination); At the critical moment, Yang Juxian also helped Li Hongzhang a lot - Li Hongzhang had a sudden illness after the first "Craftsmanship" (the first exam), which depended on Yang Juxian of the same house to prepare soup and medicine until the end of the three exams, It is human nature that the two of them had the best friendship in the same year.

Li Hongzhang was very grateful to Yang's nature. He loved his house and Wu. After Yang Juxian died, he brought Yang's three sons, Yang Zonglian, Yang Zonghan and Yang Yihui, into his shogunate. During the war with the Taiping army, he entrusted them with important tasks, trained them and trained them to become talents. Yang Zonglian was in charge of the grain platform under Liu Mingchuan, and later served as the general battalion of the Huai army; Yang Zonghan plays Zhang (as a secretary) beside Li Hongzhang; Yang Yi returned to the army of Henan and fought in several provinces until the overall situation was settled. After the Taiping army was pacified, the Yang brothers were promoted to Taoist priest with their war achievements and wore flower plumes. Their family gradually became a famous family in Wuxi.

In 1870, Yang Zonglian entered Shaanxi with Li Hongzhang in the western expedition to suppress twist, and soon was ordered to be transferred to Zhili (now Hebei Province). Before going to Zhili, he felt that Li Hongzhang was short of manpower and wanted to think about it. Therefore, qianlichi wrote to his old friend Sheng Kang and advised him not to keep his son around all the time. Now the army needs people and send them out for exercise. Yang Zonglian was also a famous military educator. He was called by Shanqing, the general of Shenji camp (the royal guards of the late Qing Dynasty) to train the troops. In 1885, he was ordered by the prime minister Tianjin Beiyang military readiness school. When he went to Yuan Shikai station to train troops, almost all the generals and schools came from his door. It can be said that they were the ancestors of the later Beiyang warlords.

As for the communication between Sheng Kang and Li Hongzhang, Sheng Xuanhuai's descendants wrote in Sheng's "Xingshu": "Wen Zhongsu and his great father Yagu". As for the specific content of "elegant reason", it has not been carried out. However, the people have made their relationship legendary - it is said that when Li Hongzhang took part in the rural examination, Sheng Kang was the examiner. When Li Hongzhang was sweating and couldn't hand in the paper, Sheng Kang threw out the "Hydrangea" to him in time. Therefore, Li Hongzhang was relieved and passed the customs smoothly. When he developed in the future, Sheng Xuanhuai, the son of Sheng Kang, was entrusted with an important task... In fact, this is all wrong. Not to mention that neither Sheng long nor Sheng Kang had ever been an examiner. Moreover, the year of Sheng Kang's graduation was the year cited by Li Hongzhang (1844). Sheng Kang himself is still taking the entrance examination. How can he become a local examiner? In addition, Sheng Xuanhuai and Li Hongzhang were recommended by Yang Zonglian, not by Sheng Kang. At that time, Sheng Kang had lived in the countryside for several years because of Ding you (father's death). Moreover, when Sheng Xuanhuai first came to Li Hongzhang's command, it was the tense stage when Li Hongzhang led the army to the north to suppress twists. When Sheng Xuanhuai was a "copywriter" (secretary) in the army, he also had to take his life. It was not a matter of enjoying happiness at all. On the contrary, it was a job of rushing in military, spending too much time, traveling hundreds of miles a day and suffering too much!

When Sheng Kang was handling grain and salt in Hubei, he did have some military contacts with Li Hongzhang.

In the spring of 1858, Hu Linyi, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty who was then governor of Hubei, sent a letter to recruit Shengkang. At that time, the Hunan army and the Taiping army were fighting closely in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei. The Hunan army was defeated in the battle of Sanhe Town, with serious losses. It was in urgent need of people, horses and food. However, the "payment assistance" of neighboring provinces has not been in place for a long time. Hu Linyi wants to "use the power of a corner in the middle of Chu to feed 600000 people on the water supply road". It is conceivable that the task is arduous. Sheng Kang is worthy of being a financial expert (according to his descendants, Sheng Kang's abacus is world-class, fast and accurate). He has always been good at business. After arriving in Hubei, he successively handled taxes as a Taoist to replenish military food. At that time, "Yali" in Hubei was founded only a year ago, and everything had not yet been on track. Shengkang had to take various measures to ensure the supply of grain and grass in front of him. At that time, Zeng Guofan was stationed in Jiangxi and Hubei, and was planning to take Hubei as the most important place in the world, "regulate Wu and plan Anhui with a corner of Chu". At that time, all heroes gathered in Hubei. This is because we can do it only when we have sufficient pay sources.

In the winter of 1958, Li Hongzhang also went to Hubei and joined Zeng Guofan to do business, so he became a colleague with Sheng Kang. Sheng Kang made outstanding contributions to the army Quartermaster. He wrote "Xiao He Guanzhong and Liu Yan Hebei" in calligraphy. Sheng Kangsheng was promoted to Hubei grain road in 1860 and granted Wuchang road of salt law in 1862. In 1863, he successively served as the chief envoy and the second Department of supervision. Both of them are famous for being good at financial management and handling military supplies.

With regard to the specific tax policy, Li Hongzhang once said to Sheng Kang: "wealth can only be seriously within the amount, not for additional requirements". It means that it can only be strictly implemented within the specified tax amount, and can not be collected indiscriminately outside the specified amount. Once the base area is disordered, it is equal to the overall situation. For those who occupy the official position and do nothing or do nothing, they should be severely punished. Sheng Xuanhuai wrote down Li Hongzhang's reminder to his father at that time: "if the matter of Hubei does not severely punish the catharsis of prefectures and counties, that is, sangkong will be reborn, and there will be no real help." Therefore, he advocated that "it is not enough to kill those who cannot fight! It is not enough to eliminate them for fear of not being fast! It is not enough to impeach those who cannot raise wages! It is not enough to forgive them for fear of not being fast!" Sheng Xuanhuai continued: "therefore," the financial management and employment of the government monarch are well rewarded, generous and fierce, and they all inherit literature, loyalty and education. " We can see the tacit understanding between them. Sheng Kang was later recommended by Li Hongzhang to the imperial court for "talent and excellence", and was promoted step by step. Sheng Kang's father Sheng Long died in 1867. He went to the official home for more than ten years. He was urged to go out again outside Beijing. Later, he became an official in Haining and went home to provide for the aged in a few years. This decision seemed right, because at that time, his son Sheng Xuanhuai had joined Li Hongzhang's shogunate and became an important helper in Li Hongzhang's great foreign affairs. His son inherited his father's will, and the unfinished business could be completed by his son.

Sheng Xuanhuai didn't know how to deal with the imperial examination, but he was able to cope with the daily official documents. He helped the elderly deal with things in his father's government office. He was smart and talented. When he came to Li Hongzhang's command, he lived up to his high expectations, worked hard, smart, diligent and thrifty, and soon won Li Hongzhang's favor. At the beginning of the year, he "assigned the Commission to run the camp copywriter and fill the meeting office of the business affairs office, which belongs to the role of secretary and deputy director of the general affairs office, and is directly responsible to Li Hongzhang.

Shortly after he arrived at Li Hongzhang's camp in Shaanxi, the Tianjin church case occurred. Under the order of the imperial court, the troops immediately moved to Tianjin. In the summer, when the army is in full swing, it is often time for its colleagues to "hold on to the official documents", and "when it is too hot, it is time for them to see each other's official documents". Soon, he was promoted to the camp Affairs Office of the grain, Taiwan and Huai army on the back of Shaanxi Gansu road. Then he was promoted to the prefect and Taoist priest for military merit, and was rewarded with the honor of wearing the second grade flower plume. At this time, it was only more than one year before he entered the military curtain of Li Hongzhang, which shows that Li Hongzhang attaches great importance to him.
 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-2 10:57:13 | 显示全部楼层
3、 Westernization giant

1. It is difficult for China Merchants to start everything at the beginning

In the 1960s and 1970s, with the continuous infiltration of foreign capital, almost all the shipping along China's coast and the inland rivers of the Yangtze River were occupied by foreigners' ships, and China's traditional shipping has become a trend of decline. In particular, Jardine Matheson of Britain, Swire Matheson and Qichang of the United States all have large-scale fleets. They not only solicited goods along the coastal and inland river wharves, but also managed to pull over the water transportation business of the imperial court (that is, the official grain transported on time every year), resulting in the lack of goods for the Chinese fleet, and a large number of grain transportation fees allocated by the Imperial court also flowed into the pockets of foreigners.

In view of this situation, since the 1860s, some local officials and enlightened people have contacted and offered advice to the imperial court, advocating that the Chinese run their own ship transportation and take back the benefits of shipping from the foreigners. After the pacification of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, "the world is at peace", and there seems to be a "ZTE" atmosphere at home. Li Hongzhang runs the Westernization affairs, learns from the foreigners and controls the foreigners, and plans to revitalize. In addition to the military industry, one thing he does with great care is shipping. At that time, Li Hongzhang was promoted to governor of Zhili and Minister of Commerce of Beiyang. He took charge of the diplomacy, commerce and westernization of the Qing government and became the leader of the Westernization school. Who will run the Chinese people's own modern shipping depends on his word. Sheng Xuanhuai seized the opportunity to urge Li Hongzhang to "make great profits", and asked him to have a try. In the Charter of Shang Li Fu Xiang's steamship (1872), he talked about the general trend of today: "since the entry of vosihuo steamship into China, the business people all over the world have welcomed it, so they know that Huo steamship is a thing that China can't abandon. It's better to strengthen the fence rather than listen to the interests and rights of China to outsiders." It is clearly stated that the ship must be operated. In terms of specific measures, he advocated g-commerce cooperation or official supervision of Commerce.

In his letter to Li Hongzhang, he also said that he would make every effort to run the important policy of shipping, and "exhaust my energy and help my nave to do iron ore, banking, postal service and weaving". He thought very far: "in a hundred years, I may attach my name to the nave biography. My wish is enough." He also said, "the nave has no laughter. I'm big and boastful. How many people can read the governor's name and pass it on to future generations? Send them to talk about it.". The letter was heartfelt and frank. Li Hongzhang, who has been famous for centuries, said that he would not only do shipping, but also devote his whole life to the great cause of Westernization.

At first, Li Hongzhang also intended Sheng Xuanhuai to plan to establish China Merchants Group and ordered him to draft the articles of association of a shipping company. He wanted to know how to do this Westernization that the Chinese had never done before. Sheng Xuanhuai understood and carefully studied the articles of association and business methods of foreign shipping companies, and conceived a draft of the development of Chinese shipping companies. He has seen through China's ills. Such things that have not been done by predecessors, especially profitable things, can not be done without official shares, because the power of private businessmen is too small. But it cannot be done by government alone, because there are too many burdens in officialdom. He pointed out: "China's g merchants have not been in touch for a long time. They should not pay attention to the business situation when they are in the government, and should not raise national plans when they are in the business. If they can't stand on their own, they can't recover. At the beginning of the trial, they must put themselves in the position of the merchants first, know that they are sure, and don't relax halfway. After the trial is completed, they will build military ships and commercial ships together, adopt the rent of the merchants and pay the expenses of the troops. They are closely connected and endless. Make sure that the benefits don't spread out, Soldiers can improve themselves. " This wonderful theory can be regarded as a thorough explanation of the relationship between officials and businesses in China's reality, especially his view of "considering business conditions". In fact, it advocates that under the leadership of "officials", officials also take shares, supervise and take "businesses" as the main body to carry out specific operations.

However, the matter is not so simple. The official supervision of commercial enterprises is a new thing in modern times, and many senior officials of the government are skeptical. Even close friends around Li Hongzhang, such as Chen Qin of Tianjin Customs Road and Ding shouchang of Tianjin Hejian bingbei Road, all advocate adopting Zhu Qiang's purely official approach in order to be safe. When Li Hongzhang was not sure about the matter, he came to a minority to obey the majority, adopted Zhu Qiang's opinions, and appointed Zhu Qiang and Zhu Qizhao brothers to be responsible for the preparation, because the Zhu brothers are a sand boat family in Baoshan, Shanghai. They are familiar with the comprador relationship in foreign firms, or they can refer to the methods of foreigners to handle Chinese affairs.

As Sheng Xuanhuai expected, this kind of purely government-run enterprise is not easy to win the investment of businessmen. Why should businessmen invest in your government-run enterprises? Businessmen are also afraid that your government will bully businessmen by relying on power! Moreover, the specific practices of the Zhu Qiang brothers are also a little conservative. They only transport grain, but do not carry passengers and goods. Naturally, they can not compete for profits with foreign merchants. In fact, many local water transport companies have been linked with foreign merchants. Now you want to pull the business over again. What benefits do you give to the water transport company? Can your freight be cheaper than foreign ships? Without absorbing commercial stocks and limited chassis, it is difficult for the cause to develop. Sure enough, the steamship Bureau was opened in January 1873. In less than half a year, it was full of difficulties and came to a standstill, so we had to find another way.

So Li Hongzhang turned to Sheng Xuanhuai again. Sheng Xuanhuai didn't put on airs. He made a careful plan again, and put forward six items: "appointment should be special", "business should be full", "company should be established", "ship should be divided successively", "rent should be paid fully", "sea transportation should be divided and shipped", and proposed that 500000 Liang and one hundred liang of commercial shares should be collected in the same way as foreign businessmen, "Starting from the cashier's day, pay interest every year, make a summary every year, make a general ledger public reading, make a major settlement every three years, and make a public distribution of surplus". For the harassment from the officialdom, he also foresaw that "if the officialdom carries goods and passengers, it will also take water as usual" to reassure investors. In order to make the new China Merchants Group stand firm and not be crushed as soon as it is introduced, he explicitly wrote in the articles of association that he wants the official to ensure that 400000 loads of grain will be delivered to the Shipping Bureau for shipment every year, so as to "make up for it with a little help"... It can be seen that he has made in-depth investigation and Research on the context, operation threshold and key departments of this work, and what he said is jargon. These six guidelines are the earliest rudiments of the articles of association of China Shipping Merchants Group.

However, this time, Li Hongzhang still didn't let him be the leading director, but dug up Tang Tingshu, the comprador of Shanghai Yihe foreign firm, and asked him to work for the country. In June 1873, Li Hongzhang appointed Tang Tingshu as the general office of China Merchants Group and Xu run, the comprador of Baoshun foreign firm, as the meeting office, hoping that they would take advantage of their influence in the business community to recruit business shares. Zhu Qiang and Zhu Qizhao brothers are also organized by the association. As for Sheng Xuanhuai, he is also a meeting organizer, on an equal footing with Xu run. Li Hongzhang has his own reason for this layout. This is because to set up such a large enterprise with an investment of hundreds of thousands or millions of silver coins, although it is easy to say, it is very difficult to raise funds. Without money, it is very difficult to complete its assembly. Public funds are limited and can only pay 200000 Liang. Sheng Xuanhuai's calf came out of the mountain and first got involved in Westernization. It is difficult to have appeal in fund-raising. Tang Tingshu, Xu run and Zhu Qiang have many years of experience in foreign firms and shopping malls. They have great appeal among businessmen, and they can bring in a large amount of investment. On balance, Li Hongzhang can only grievance Sheng again.

Sheng Xuanhuai is unwilling to be the "Queen of the ox", while Li Hongzhang wants him to be the important "Queen of the ox". Therefore, there is such a division of labor: Tang Tingshu and Xu run are in charge of loading, offering and other shipping services, representing the business side; Zhu Qiang and Zhu Qizhao brothers are in charge of water transport and represent the government; Sheng Xuanhuai's position is very delicate. To take charge of both water transport and loading is tantamount to playing the roles of "official" and "merchant". In fact, it is a very important but somewhat embarrassing position. Li Hongzhang is resourceful, and his purpose is to see and master everything about China Merchants through him. After all, Sheng Xuanhuai was not a man with a small stomach. Despite his reluctance, he took office. Later, he really created a famous situation.

After Tang Tingshu became the general office, with his personal influence in the business world, the situation of lack of funds in China Merchants Group suddenly changed, from less than 200000 Liang to 1 million Liang, of which Xu run invested 240000 Liang alone, which lost blood for the enterprise. Tang Tingshu's approach is consistent with Sheng Xuanhuai's in principle, except that Tang put more emphasis on the interests of "business", while Sheng put more emphasis on "public-private partnership", that is, official supervision of business. At the beginning of the ship bidding Bureau, we didn't see much advantage. However, over time, especially in the face of fierce competition from foreign investors, the power of "officials" has become a reliable backing. On this major policy concerning the future, Sheng Xuanhuai is by no means comparable to that of ordinary businessmen.

By the end of 1873, China Shipping merchants had 19 branches in Tianjin, Hankou and Nagasaki, and the "Eaton" of the bureau had been able to sail to Nagasaki, Kobe, the Philippines, Luzon and other places in Japan. In July 1874, China Merchants announced the first settlement, with a surplus of 2120 taels of silver. In July 1875, the second settlement had a balance of 24000 liang of silver and distributed more than 6700 liang of bonus for the first time. The whole situation is naturally happy.

In the autumn of 1875, Sheng Xuanhuai was ordered to supervise Hubei coal and Railway Bureau. At the same time, there were other industries to do, so he left the ship Investment Promotion Bureau temporarily. But it was very strange that Sheng Xuanhuai had a problem as soon as he left. The next year (July 1876) he settled the bill and lost 35000 liang of silver.

Although he runs a mine in Hubei, he still cares about the important things of China Merchants, such as the acquisition of Qichang company in the United States. He is still one of the masterminds.

2. Battle of "waterline"

In the autumn of 1880, Li Hongzhang appointed Sheng Xuanhuai to run the telegraph business, coordinate the laying of wires and cables across the country, and establish the national telegraph office to dismantle and buy the "water lines" illegally laid by foreigners in China, so as to regain the autonomy of telegraph. This matter "is regarded as a daunting task by all people at the beginning of the establishment", because it is different from running an ordinary industry. There are groups of tigers and wolves in front. They have to "grind" on the negotiation table and remove obstacles before they can succeed. This is a contest of political, diplomatic and personal courage.

As early as the 1860s, Britain, the United States, France and other countries proposed several times to the Qing government to set up telegraph lines in China. The Qing court refused again and again to safeguard its own interests. Shen Baozhen, the governor of Jiangxi Province at that time, put it well: "if you let him set up a flying line, it will be thousands of miles away, and all events have not been delivered to the Chinese official documents (at that time, the imperial court's imperial edict was passed on by 500 mile fast ride, 600 mile fast ride and 800 mile fast ride) , he has got the news first, and his work is constrained by the double shape. Moreover, the damage to the even value of the line must be attributed to the failure of officials and people to protect, and there must be branches and branches. " "Foreign ships are faster than China's postal service, and all official affairs have been constrained. If they are allowed to set up copper wires again, they will be thousands of miles away and can be connected in an instant. It is even more difficult to avoid making dangerous remarks in newsprint to frighten the audience!" Unfortunately, at that time, although the governor saw such a powerful role of telegrams, he did not suggest that the Qing government run telegrams by itself, but simply restricted them from foreigners. Under the guidance of this thought, when the government saw that foreigners had laid cables and poles without permission, it secretly encouraged the people to dismantle electric wires, destroy electric poles and obstruct them.

In 1870, the Qing government imposed restrictions on foreign countries by stipulating that "the electric money line sank on the seabed and its end shall not be pulled ashore to divide the boundary between China and the ocean". But now that they have been allowed to lay submarine cables, they must advance an inch and try every means to pull the ends of the wires ashore. They can't set up the telegraph room at sea.

The Danes were the ones who could make trouble with the Qing court. In the early 1870s, they sent a ship to sail quietly to the Shenwei military port under the escort of tsarist Russian warships. The ship drove very slowly, dragging a long "braid" while driving. It turned out that this is a Danish communication engineering ship, which is laying a "water line" (i.e. submarine cable) to the seabed. Their goal is first to Nagasaki, Japan, then to Wusongkou, Shanghai, and finally to the Danish Dabei telegraph company located on the Bund of Shanghai.

How dare Denmark, a small European country, lay submarine cables in China's waters? It turned out that there was an old Tsar behind them. The old Tsar had relatives with the Danish royal family. In order to set up a telecommunications system in China, he repeatedly proposed to Qing Zheng f to lay telegraph lines on land and under the sea in China, and asked to set up Dabei Telegraph Company in Shanghai to claim the landing right of "water line". At that time, tsarist Russia had included the whole northeast into his sphere of influence and exerted all kinds of pressure on the Qing court. The Qing court had no choice but to agree that "Dabei telegraph company set up barges outside Wusongkou to send and receive telegrams on board", but "the water line can not be pulled ashore". It really wanted them to send telegrams on the water!

However, how can Dabei Telegraph Company float on the sea for a long time? They had to land. First, they used a ship anchored on daqishan island outside the Yangtze River Estuary to quietly pull the "water line" laid there ashore, place it in a house built in advance, and set up the first telegraph room. Then, seeing that there was no movement from the Qing court, he secretly dragged the "waterline" into the Huangpu River and set up a second telegraph room in Pudong on the other side of Zhanghuabang. Then, he led the "waterline" to the Bund along the Huangpu River. The later building of Dabei Telegraph Company is the beautiful building where the Bund Pangu bank is now located.

By virtue of two submarine cables, Dabei Telegraph Company made huge profits, which naturally attracted the envy of Britain, the United States, Japan and other powers, one after another to "cut fat", so it threatened Qing Zheng f to lay its own "water line".

When Sheng Xuanhuai took office, he first faced the complex situation of "fighting for meat" among the great powers. If it is allowed to develop, China's Telegraph situation will be unprofitable. If the original regulations of the Qing court are used to restrict them, it is necessary to kill the chicken for the monkey. First, take the Danish Dabei Telegraph Company. A hard negotiation is inevitable. Sheng Xuanhuai ordered Dabei Telegraph Company to dismantle its illegally set landing line on the basis of the provisions made by the Qing government in 1870 that "foreign cable lines sink on the seabed and their ends shall not be pulled ashore, and on the basis of dividing the boundary line between China and the ocean". How dare Dabei telegraph company give in and make trouble without reason? Sheng Xuanhuai spared no time to face it. He knew in his heart that if this round could not be fought down, trouble would follow, and the arrogance of the British and Americans would become more arrogant. If there are fewer telegrams in China, there will be more telegrams in all countries.

Therefore, Sheng Xuanhuai insisted on the principle of "dismantling the Danish dry line to protect the rights of the Chinese country and serve the hearts of businessmen from all countries". After several negotiations, the Danish Dabei Telegraph Company had to agree to dismantle the dry line from Wusong to the Bund, but refused to dismantle the Xiamen ashore line, emphasizing that "the end of the Xiamen line is from the seashore to the house directly from the underground", which is different from the Wusong dry line. Sheng Xuanhuai opposes it, It is emphasized that although the Xiamen line is different from the private dry line, it has been pulled ashore after all. Grasping the basic fact that the Xiamen water line has indeed "landed", it proves that Dabei company has violated the provisions of Qing government F, so it must be demolished. Finally, after several rounds of struggle, Dabei company was forced to dismantle the coastline.

Ten years after Dabei telegraph laid submarine cables in China, China finally had its own Telegraph Company, and the Qing government appointed Sheng Xuanhuai as the general office. However, the situation is still grim, because the submarine cable is in the hands of Dabei and Dadong. Whether foreign telegrams and domestic and European telegrams are unblocked or not is in the hands of Dabei and Dadong. How to compete and share profits with foreigners is related to the life and death of China Telegraph and telegraph office. So Sheng Xuanhuai took the initiative to come to the door to talk about conditions. Finally, they had to agree to sign the "equal price contract" of the three telegraph companies, that is, following the practice of signing the contract between China Merchants Group and Swire and Jardine ferry companies, the external price must be the same, and no one is allowed to act alone, nor is it allowed to use the price reduction to attack either party. The implementation of this method has enabled the newborn China telegraph office to gain a firm foothold in the face of strong enemies.
 楼主| 发表于 2022-2-2 10:58:25 | 显示全部楼层
Ten years after Dabei telegraph laid submarine cables in China, China finally had its own Telegraph Company, and the Qing government appointed Sheng Xuanhuai as the general office. However, the situation is still grim, because the submarine cable is in the hands of Dabei and Dadong. Whether foreign telegrams and domestic and European telegrams are unblocked or not is in the hands of Dabei and Dadong. How to compete and share profits with foreigners is related to the life and death of China Telegraph and telegraph office. So Sheng Xuanhuai took the initiative to come to the door to talk about conditions. Finally, they had to agree to sign the "equal price contract" of the three telegraph companies, that is, following the practice of signing the contract between China Merchants Group and Swire and Jardine ferry companies, the external price must be the same, and no one is allowed to act alone, nor is it allowed to use the price reduction to attack either party. The implementation of this method has enabled the newborn China telegraph office to gain a firm foothold in the face of strong enemies.

Under the chairmanship of Sheng Xuanhuai, China telegraph office has made great progress in several years - in 1882, it set up a dry line in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces; The next year, the first line of the Yangtze River will be established; In 1884, due to the shortage of coastal defense, lines from Jinan to Yantai, Weihai, Liugong Island, jinxianding and other places were set up; In 1886, due to the border defense needs of the three northeastern provinces, the Jilin Hunchun line was connected from Fengtian; In 1887, because the Yellow River burst in Zhengzhou, in order to prepare for disaster relief, an electric wire was set up from Jining, Shandong to Kaifeng; In 1888, the line from Jiujiang to Ganzhou and Nanxiong was opened; In 1890, because "Xiangfan is a thoroughfare to several provinces in Beijing, and the northern portal of Chu rushes to the border", a line was set up from Shashi to Xiangyang; From Wuchang line to Changsha in 1896; In 1898, Changsha, Xiangtan, Pingxiang and other places were set up; In 1901, in order to welcome the "two palaces huiluan", Tongguan Zhengding line was added... The main trunk lines and branches have almost covered the whole country.

To this end, Li Hongzhang wrote a special book to ask for merit for Sheng Xuanhuai. He said in the film "Sheng Xuanhuai asks for an award":... The British and Danish telegraph companies set up land lines from Kowloon and Shanghai to Wusong, which is an extraordinary move. China may not succeed, so they fought together and blocked in many ways I was ordered to try to resist and manipulate the camera. On the one hand, I raised funds to rush to set up the coastal land line, so that his cunning plan would be stopped and my right of autonomy would be guaranteed, especially in the business situation of national sports. Today, the route stretches thousands of miles, and the military outside Beijing can pass through the important politics in an instant. The results are remarkable, and its contribution is indeed indispensable. This member has excellent talent, heart and energy, can take on major events, and is enough to help the times. " It shows that Li Hongzhang trusts him more through the telegraph project.

3. China World Bank

In 1895, China was defeated in the Sino Japanese War, and the whole country denounced Li Hongzhang. Seeing that his immediate boss was loyal all his life and had power over the government and the public. Once he miscalculated, he would end up like this. Sheng Xuanhuai's heart was filled with desolation. In addition, he often coughed and gasped at night because he had been overworked for many years, so he wrote a memorial and applied for retirement home.

However, the imperial court needs talents at this time. If he wants to win the court's victory, he should not only try to win the court's victory, but also try to win the court's victory. If he doesn't want to win the court's victory, he must not only try to win the court's victory, but also try to win the court's victory!

Sheng Xuanhuai, after all, is a loyal minister of the imperial court and is used to understanding the general. Besides, running a bank is something he suggested to the imperial court many years ago. Now the imperial court really wants you to do it, but you have to go home. Can you tell me what your heart is? There's nothing to do but fight for your life.

At this time, the Qing court was faced with 200 million silver war reparations and was at a loss. Emperor Guangxu asked him how he could get out of the dilemma. He bluntly told him that he would set up a commercial bank following the example of western Thailand. "Casting silver coins and opening both ends of the bank are actually the power of business, and it is urgent to start it first. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties and avoid suspicion. It can be completed in a year and effective in a year... If you appoint someone, you can call and collect." It also specifically designs the overall scheme of how public and private parties raise funds. In view of the fashionable topic at that time and the reform issue, he persuaded the emperor to be calm. Now there are too many people talking about the reform. However, it is easier to say than to do. It is easy to establish a new law, but it is not so easy to achieve practical results. Remind him not to change the law lightly, just do it earnestly.

However, things in China have always been complicated.

Soon, there was news in Beijing that the general tax department of customs and the British Hurd were going to organize a Sino British joint venture bank to seize the right to start the Bank of China. Sheng Xuanhuai has lost Li Hongzhang, the most powerful supporter at this time. He can't talk to the imperial court every day, so he has to stare at Zhang Zhidong. He wrote to Zhang Zhidong: "Wen Hurd coveted the bank. This matter is fleeting. It has a lot to do with whether it should be reported to the General Administration of electricity in advance." He was afraid that Zhang Zhidong could not understand the extreme importance of this matter. After a few days, he wrote to stare: "Chinese businessmen have no banks, and the wealth of businessmen has nothing to rely on. It is scattered and difficult to gather... If the bank is owned by foreigners, there is no way for the railway to recruit Chinese shares... Since the railway mainly collects Chinese shares for business, it seems that the bank should also be completed at one go and attached to each other."

Seeing his loyalty, Emperor Guangxu called him to Beijing one after another to ask for advice. He timely submitted the film "please set up a bank" and "a comprehensive plan for self-improvement", reiterating the extreme importance and urgency of setting up a commercial bank in China, In particular, the Zhezi stressed that "the wealth of the whole country gathered by westerners is the foundation of trade and benefit the country, and its hub is in the bank. It is urgent for China to follow suit, and foreign banks should not be allowed to make great profits."

On that day, he went into the palace and said goodbye to Emperor Guangxu. The emperor said to him, "your memorial has been submitted to the General Administration for discussion, but things are always done by people. Today, all the governors and senior officials are delaying the selection committee. What do you think to do?" Guangxu's intention was to inspire him to shoulder important tasks bravely, because the emperor also knew that Sheng Xuanhuai had achieved the most remarkable results in conducting Westernization in recent years. Sure enough, Sheng Xuanhuai has finished the most important person in just more than ten days. The eight members of the board of directors selected by him are: Zhang Zhenxun, ye Chengzhong, Yan xinhou, Shi Zejing, Zhu Baosan, Yang Tinggao, Yan Zhe and Chen you.

These eight people are all powerful figures in modern Shanghai beach. Zhang Zhenxun is an overseas Chinese giant in Nanyang; Ye Chengzhong is a giant in the hardware industry, known as the king of hardware. He has branches in Shanghai and various commercial ports. He is also the boss of Lunhua silk factory and Xiechang match factory. He is a rich man on the sea; Yan xinhou was an old subordinate of Li Hongzhang. He started with salt and accumulated a huge amount of money. He is the boss of famous enterprises such as Ningbo Tongjiuyuan ginning factory, Tongjiuyuan yarn factory, Tongjiuyuan flour factory and Shanghai Sino British pharmacy, and a Chinese businessman giant; Zhu Baosan was originally a comprador of Japanese businessmen Pinghe foreign firm. Later, he set up his own firm, engaged in import and export trade, made a lot of money, and had great appeal among Chinese businessmen; Shi Zejing is also an important big capitalist among Chinese businessmen at sea. In addition, Yan Zhe and Chen you are the meeting office of China Shipping Merchants Group, which can bring in the capital of China Shipping Group; Yang Tinggao is the general office of the telegraph office and can also take a large amount of capital into shares. At this time, Sheng Xuanhuai has mastered these big names and said that they can be used.

Three million commercial shares did not seem to have taken much effort to gather. Among them, the steamship merchants group alone has 800000 Liang. He also reserved 500 shares for Wang Wenshao and used the investment of senior officials in the imperial court to further stabilize the people's hearts, resulting in the "enthusiastic solicitation of commercial shares".

However, the imperial court is often three minutes hot, sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Commercial stocks have been implemented, but the official funds have not been implemented yet. Sheng Xuanhuai urged again and again. Instead of following, it came out that the imperial court had approved China and Russia to jointly run the Sino Russian Daosheng bank, and it was said that the imperial court had allocated 5 million taels of shares. As a result, businessmen who have taken shares in China general commercial bank talked about it one after another, fearing that the imperial court would change its mind. Sheng Xuanhuai is naturally in a very passive position. On the one hand, he hastened to urge the imperial court to implement the original 2 million liang of official funds. On the other hand, he wrote to Zhang Yinhuan, the left servant of the Ministry of household, because he understood that the victory of Chinese and Russian Daosheng outside the festival was entirely Weng Tonghe's idea. For Sheng Xuanhuai to take the lead in running the bank, Weng didn't say he didn't support it, but secretly diverted the funds, which is also difficult for you to do.

In his letter, he told Zhang Yinhuan: "the Bank of Russia has invested 5 million official shares, while the Bank of China has no official funds, which is not enough to win the trust and laugh at outsiders. Once the rumor of foreign businessmen is overturned, it will lead to the foot binding of all businessmen." He also stressed that the 2 million yuan borrowed from Zheng f was not invested in the bank as shares, but "deposited in the bank with an annual interest subscription of 5% of the bank, regardless of profit or loss, within a six-year limit, or withdrawn or still deposited every year, in accordance with the previous method of setting up a shipping China Merchants Bureau." This method is "beneficial and harmless, and outsiders know that there are official funds, which is enough to win trust and compete with China and Russia (Daosheng bank)", and if there is no official shares, it is not enough to call on the bills of all provinces. Zhang Yinhuan conveyed Sheng's opinions to the Ministry of household and the imperial court. These confused people had no answer.

At this critical moment, someone in the officialdom proposed impeachment against him, saying that he took the power of banks, ships, telegrams and so on, all for personal gain and so on. Now Sheng Xuanhuai is angry. He thinks these guys just don't do business. They specialize in splashing dirty water on people. Wang Wenshao, who was the successor of Li Hongzhang after the defeat of the Sino Japanese war in 1894 and then governor of Zhili and Minister of Beiyang, resigned twice in succession: "why do you still want to do things in such a confused world?" Prepare to "pull out all the family members and return", "raise relatives to cultivate and study, and never talk about family and state affairs with others again!" As an official, Wang Wenshao is famous for his tact. Of course, he can't allow Sheng Xuanhuai to let go. On the one hand, he tried his best to excuse Sheng and said good things about him in front of the court. On the other hand, he urged the official money very much. Finally, he gave a half discount. The originally planned 2 million Liang became 1 million Liang, which is also an indication.

However, there was an unexpected situation, and soon came the news that the imperial court had wavered in running the bank. It's like a child's play. There are no rules to follow in national affairs. Sheng Xuanhuai tried to hold back his anger and patiently explained to the prime minister's Yamen that China Commercial Bank was bound to do it. "It has been widely spread at home and abroad that if it failed to open within the time limit, there would be no greater breach of faith. Commercial shares will be completely dispersed. It will be difficult to raise shares in the future, not only at both ends of the bank and the iron bank!" With painstaking efforts and hard work, China's first bank, which was about to miscarry, was finally born on May 27, 1897. The location is the three-story building on No. 6 on the Bund (now replaced with a shopping and leisure place).

Sheng Xuanhuai was too angry to attend the opening ceremony. When he received the telegram that the bank had been opened on schedule, he gave a long sigh of relief.

China Tongshang bank, like a difficult child, has finally established its foothold on the beach full of foreign banks. In less than a year, seven branches have been opened in Tianjin, Hankou, Guangzhou, Shantou, Yantai, Zhenjiang and Beijing. Two years later, I was able to settle accounts every six months. In addition to the expenses, I sent 400000 liang of interest bank to the shareholder and 100000 liang of interest bank to the Ministry of accounts... In Sheng Xuanhuai's words, "at the beginning of the establishment of HSBC, there was no such scene." HSBC, on the other hand, had been operating in Shanghai for more than 30 years; The British commercial bank Liru has been in operation for 52 years.
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